Door opening
CHF 35.–

Carte Blanche

Roberto Domeniconi

Jan Schlegel Solo

«An accomplished jack-of-all-trades in jazz and free improvisation»

Jan Schlegel Oud, E-Bass
Jan Schlegel is a real father figure among improvising electric bassists in this country. Originally successful in experimental rock, he slipped seamlessly into the experimental jazz scene around Urs Blöchlinger and into his "Legfek Trio" with Peter Landis. Today, he continues to amaze musicians with his wealth of ideas and ever-changing sounds, as well as his unerring sense of form and time. The electric bassist is an accomplished jack-of-all-trades in jazz and free improvisation, working with Gabriela Friedli, Co Streiff, Dieter Ulrich, Omri Ziegele and Dieter Ulrich, among others. Always in search of sound, he manipulates his bass with rocks, staples, and other objects - whether in composed music, improvisation, or somewhere in between.

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Roberto Domeniconi


«Floating somewhere between tradition and future»

Roberto Domeniconi PianoChristian Weber BassEmanuel Künzi Drum Kit
Pianist Roberto Domeniconi is a sensitive, visionary inventor who opens up new horizons with every note. Together with Christian Weber on bass, whose multifaceted playing ties the form of the music together, and percussionist Emanuel Künzi, whose delicate agility and dancing groove bring the compositions to life, they complement each other to form a trio. Their music is an adventure, a story of friendship, tradition and discovery, deeply rooted in the history of jazz and pointing to the immediate future. Together they weave a sonic narrative that evokes both images and emotions, transporting their listeners into a pleasant weightlessness.
  • Accessibility

    The lower floor of the club is at ground level and accessible without steps. There is one accessible bathroom which can be used with a Eurokey. The bar is not accessible and is approximately 1.20 metres high. Sensory stimuli: Most concerts are accompanied by moving lights and smoke. For sold-out or well-attended concerts, it is worth arriving early. Are you unable to stand for a long time or do you need other support for your visit? Then get in touch by email or phone: or 044 276 80 00.

    More information on accessibility
  • Additional information about the tickets

    Moods members are guaranteed admission to every event until 30 minutes before the concert starts. Only shows with a high demand require a reservation. The corresponding concerts are marked on the website with "Member-Reservation".

    Link zu den News
  • How to reach Moods

    Moods is reached via the main entrance of the Schiffbau at Schiffbauplatz. We recommend arriving by public transport (streetcar 4 or 8 / bus 72, 83 or 33 to Schiffbau; S-Bahn to Hardbrücke station and from there approx. 2 minutes on foot). Parking spaces are available under Hardbrücke and in the Pfingstweid-/Hardstrasse parking garage.

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