
Cheibe Balagan

Plattentaufe «Duschin Duschin»

Moritz Roelcke Clarinet, VocalsEdouard Mätzener Violin, VocalsHitomi Niikura Cello, VocalsMarius Schneider Guitar, VocalsAdrian Hofer Accordion, VocalsHyazintha Andrej Bass, VocalsFlorian Kolb Drum Kit
In the best klezmer tradition, Cheibe Balagan draws on various musical influences - from Eastern Europe to Switzerland to Japan - and fuses them into rousing, danceable pieces. The Zurich septet gained national fame through the soundtrack of the hit movie «Wolkenbruch» and since then has been creating an exuberant atmosphere, whether at the Montreux Jazz Festival, street festivals or in dimly lit bars.
At Moods, Cheibe Balagan will release their third Album answering the essential questions of life such as: What do unicorn hunters have in common with in-laws? How do you greet the mice in the kitchen? And how many onions belong in a pot of «gefilte fish»?

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