«No 3 Nächt bis Morn»

Tommy Vercetti

Tommy Vercetti VocalsDezmond Dez VocalsBenjamin Külling KeyboardsToni Schiavano BassRoberto Hacaturyan PercussionPablo Nouvelle
Nine years have elapsed since Tommy Vercetti's fulminant debut «Seiltänzer» (tightrope walker), which many consider to be the milestone of Swiss Rap and has had an effect way beyond the musical borders- not least being awarded the Berner Literaturpreis. 
Nobody combines Rap, Literature, Musicality and Zeitgeist like he does. The album produced by Pablo Nouvelle poses the key question as to whether music can still play a freeing role in society. Or to be more specific: if you challenge these dark times and the associated cynical or removed-from-reality pop culture, to what extent can one paint an optimistic picture of the future? The result: not only has the Swiss press almost fallen over themselves with praise for the new album «No 3 Nächt bis Morn», but even The Guardian claimed: «He takes soul back to the future.»

For admission, all guests need a valid Covid certificate from Switzerland or EU (QR code) for vaccinated, tested or recovered persons and an official ID card (ID, passport or driver's license). The detailed admission rules are listed here:

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