Album Release «Southern Return»

Dimitri Howald & the Amnis Band Extended

«Back from the South»

Dimitri Howald Guitar, VocalsStefan Schischkanov Guitar, VocalsNao Rohr Vocals, ViolaCégiu Vocals, CelloSebastian Lötscher ViolinMichael Haudenschild Keyboards, PianoAntonio Schiavano BassFlo Reichle Drum Kit
Guitarist Dimitri Howald lets himself drift on his third solo album Southern Return - with a curiously yearning music that brings together the most diverse influences from jazz, new wave and tropicalismo to create a very personal mixture.

Drive off - to where the forests give way to palm trees and the landscapes are vast and tropical. The times, places and influences overlap in these 12 very personal pieces of music, which Dimitri Howald recorded all by himself: We hear Brazilian tropicalismo influences, light and delicate jazz guitar figures, harmonies that radiate an untranslatable saudade, while the wave drum machine sets the pace at times, as on earlier albums.

Dimitri Howald recorded Southern Return over the course of three years. He plays with the individual musical elements, tinkers, sings, warms - and breaks the idyll with analog synth sounds that emphasize the shadows or with pieces that lead right into the youthful grunge band cellar. Slight melancholy, longing, unfulfilled and as yet unrealized dreams: all this resonates delicately in this music.

The concert will be played with reinforcements, i.e. Howald's Amnis Band will be stretched out and enlarged. His quartet, consisting of Stefan Schischkanov, Toni Schiavano and Flo Reichle, will be joined by Michael Haudenschild, Sebastian Lötscher, Nao Rohr and Cégiu for a truly extended evening.

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