Door opening
CHF 55.–

Support Act

Dino Brandão

  • Member-Reservation
Identity does not mean being the same, but at the same time. Luanda and Brugg at the same time. Simultaneously flying and falling, the good knee and the broken knee, the old medicine. Dance music that pays homage to anomalies in the mind and biographical irregularities. Gladly with a chorus, because Dino Brandao is still a cancioneiro, devoted to the song and the bittersweet symphony, a friend of the grand gesture. He unfolds this little pop music map of the world in crooked proportions. He strokes the drums of yesteryear, plays the foggy synthesizers, kicks on the drum machine - gleefully entangled in all directions. Dino Brandao can be all that and dances on the shards of his mirror image.
He opens the evening with a short solo set.


  • Member-Reservation

«An African music icon»

Bonga Vocals, CongasCiro Lopes AccordionBetinho Feijo GuitarHernani Pinto Lagrosse BassDjipson Estevao Da Silva Drum Kit
Now 82 years old, after 30 albums and 50 years of career, Bonga has experienced multiple lives. First as an athlete, he ran the 400 meters for Portugal which once colonized Angola, then he played football for Benfica in Lisbon. As an activist, he campaigned against the Portuguese oppression of the Salazar regime and for the independence of his native land, which ultimately led him to his exile in the Netherlands. There, in Rotterdam, he met a strong Cape Verdean community, composed music alongside them and gave birth to one of the greatest albums of African music: Angola 72.
Bonga has now become an African music icon.

further links

Warm Up & Afterparty

KORNELIA (Ladies on Records)

Kornelia Binicewicz Disk Jockey
Kornelia Binicewicz is a Polish-born DJ, record collector and founder of the Ladies on Records project. She travels the world in search of obscure and captivating music, creating energetic DJ sets.
  • Accessibility

    The lower floor of the club is at ground level and accessible without steps. There is one accessible bathroom which can be used with a Eurokey. The bar is not accessible and is approximately 1.20 metres high. Sensory stimuli: Most concerts are accompanied by moving lights and smoke. For sold-out or well-attended concerts, it is worth arriving early. Are you unable to stand for a long time or do you need other support for your visit? Then get in touch by email or phone: or 044 276 80 00.

    More information on accessibility
  • Additional information about the tickets

    Moods members are guaranteed admission to every event until 30 minutes before the concert starts. Only shows with a high demand require a reservation. The corresponding concerts are marked on the website with "Member-Reservation".

    Link zu den News
  • How to reach Moods

    Moods is reached via the main entrance of the Schiffbau at Schiffbauplatz. We recommend arriving by public transport (streetcar 4 or 8 / bus 72, 83 or 33 to Schiffbau; S-Bahn to Hardbrücke station and from there approx. 2 minutes on foot). Parking spaces are available under Hardbrücke and in the Pfingstweid-/Hardstrasse parking garage.

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